The Elder Futhark Runes

The Oracle of the Runes is a living history of Norse mythology and describes how Universal energies form, morph, and permeate our living world and lives. Gaining this Universal wisdom, and allowing their divine messaging to move our life focus, the Runes become by definition an Oracle. As we follow along the path of the Runes and allow them to tell their story, we begin to see how deeply entrenched this living oracle was to the ancient Teutonic tribes.

Runes served a host of cultural necessities. Besides the imparting of cultural history and understanding of Deity and their relationship with Deity from one generation to another, they were also used to communicate from one tribe to another, and their written and spoken language supported a diverse and far flung tribal culture.

The 24 Elder Futhark Runes are grouped in three aettir (plural for aett). Each aett (or eight) begins with a Mother Rune: Fehu, Hagalaz, and Tiwaz respectively. All other Runes in the aett are in lineage to these three primary Runes. In Old Norse aett and aettir mean family and generations and the historical importance of lineage.

The First Aett

First aett stuff

The First Aett

Select a Rune by name to open or close the information

    General Information

  • Sound: "F"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 1st Rune
  • Runic Fortnight: June 29th - July 13th
  • Runic Hour: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Blood Agate, Carnelian,
    Garnet, Jasper,
    Red Cat's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
  • Runic Tree: Elder
  • Runic Herb: Nettle

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Feoh, Feo
  • Germanic: Fe, Fehu
  • Icelandic:
  • Norse:
  • Norwegian: Fe

  • Key Words

  • Mobile Wealth, Prosperity,
    Abundance, Fertility,
    Unstructured Creativity,
    Primal Fire

The Glyph of Fehu

Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have, as their first glyph or symbol, the cow. This animal is at the center of all cultural shifts from the hunter gatherer modes of survival to the modern agrarian society. Wealth was a welcome attribute used to evaluate a tribe's ability and strength. The herd was used as part of this marker. The larger the herd, the more wealthy and influential a tribe was judged to be. Herds of cows were the embodiment of mobile wealth.

If we look up the word 'Fe' in the English dictionary we discover it speaks to an expected or agreed to income or monetary exchange for products or services. As individuals began trading their cows for goods or services within their tribes or as tribal interactions, peaceful societies were broadened and solidified. This expansive force: from individual to tribe, from tribe to multi-tribal regions - created diverse and dynamic economies everyone could equally count on for survival and prosperity.

Fehu: The Big Bang!

Edred Thorsson wrote of Fehu: "This is the fire generated out of water and in the dark depths of the Multiverse – and in the dark corners of the self." Though considered a modern day concept, Norse mythology describes the primordial raging fire of the 'Big Bang'. When we try to understand the energy of Fehu, we must imagine the expansive and uncontrollable Universal birth. Muspelheim is the conceptual home of this uncontrolled raging fire that drifted in and permeated Ginnungapap, the great Universal void. All Fehu energy needed was to come in contact with whatever else exists.

Within this Fehu dynamic, then, is the Universal power of destruction, but also of rebirth. Fehu is the energy of all potentials, and of all pathways to and through the processes of fertility, merging, morphing, decaying, and falling through destruction to be recycled through eternal Universal processes.

If we look up the word 'Fe' in the English dictionary we discover it speaks to an expected or agreed to income or monetary exchange for products or services. As individuals began trading their cows for goods or services within their tribes or as tribal interactions, peaceful societies were broadened and solidified. This expansive force: from individual to tribe, from tribe to multi-tribal regions - created diverse and dynamic economies everyone could equally count on for survival and prosperity.

    General Information

  • Sound: "F"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 1st Rune
  • Runic Fortnight: June 29th - July 13th
  • Runic Hour: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Blood Agate, Carnelian,
    Garnet, Jasper,
    Red Cat's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
  • Runic Tree: Elder
  • Runic Herb: Nettle

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    General Information

  • Sound: "U", "OO"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 2nd Rune
  • Runic Fortnight: July 14th - July 29th
  • Runic Hour: 1:30pm - 2:30pm
  • Rune Color: Dark Green
  • Rune Gemstones: Aventurine, Chrysoprase,
    Emerald, Green Agate,
    Green Beryl, Green Tourmaline,
    Jade, Malachite
  • Runic Tree: Birch
  • Runic Herb: Sphagnum

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Ur
  • Germanic: Uraz, Uruz
  • Icelandic: Ur
  • Norse: Ur
  • Norwegian: Ur

  • Key Words

  • Vitality, Inner Strength,
    Structure, Formation,
    Patterning Force          

The Glyph of Uruz

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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    General Information

  • Sound: "Th"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 3rd Rune
  • Fortnight: July 29th-August 13th
  • Runic Hour: 2:30pm - 3:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Black Tourmaline,
    Bloodstone, Garnet,
    Obsidian, Onyx, Red Jasper
  • Runic Tree: Oak
  • Runic Herb: House Leek

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Thorn
  • Germanic: Thyth, Thurisaz
  • Icelandic: Thurs
  • Norse: Thurs
  • Norwegian: Thurs

  • Key Words

  • Protection, Defense,
    Regeneration, Action,
    Destruction, Polarity                    

The Glyph of Thurisaz

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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    General Information

  • Sound: "AA", "Ah"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 4th Rune
  • Fortnight: August 13th-August 29th
  • Runic Hour: 3:30pm - 4:30pm
  • Rune Color: Dark Blue
  • Rune Gemstones: Aquamarine, Jade,
    Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli,
    Sapphire, Sodalite
  • Runic Tree: Ash
  • Runic Herb: Fly Agaric

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Aesc, Os, Ac
  • Germanic: Aza, Ansuz
  • Icelandic: Oss, Ass
  • Norse: Oss, Ass
  • Norwegian: As

  • Key Words

  • Wisdom, Reason,
    Mental Agility, Order,
    Creative Expression,
    Consciousness, Rebirth           

The Glyph of Ansuz

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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    General Information

  • Sound: "R"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 5th Rune
  • Fortnight: August 29-September 13
  • Runic Hour: 4:30pm - 5:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Aventurine, Carnelian,
    Golden Topaz,
    Purple-Red Amethyst, Ruby,
    Rutilated Quartz, Sugilite
  • Runic Tree: Oak
  • Runic Herb: Mugwort

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Rad, Radh
  • Germanic: Reda, Raidho
  • Icelandic: Reid
  • Norse: Reid, Reidr
  • Norwegian: Reid, Reidr

  • Key Words

  • Journey, Travel, Riding
    Movement, Progression,
    Circular Flow,

The Glyph of Raidho

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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    General Information

  • Sound: "K"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 6th Rune
  • Rune Fortnight: Sept. 13th - Sept. 28th
  • Runic Hour: 5:30pm - 6:30pm
  • Rune Color: Gold
  • Rune Gemstones: Amber, Beryl,
    Carnelian, Citrine,
    Fire Opal, Golden Topaz
  • Runic Tree: Pine
  • Runic Herb: Cowslip

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Cen, Ken
  • Germanic: Chozma, Kenaz
  • Icelandic: Kaun
  • Norse: Kaun
  • Norwegian: Kaun

  • Key Words

  • Creativity, Illumination,
    Hearth Fire, Internal Fire,
    Guiding Light                           

The Glyph of Kenaz

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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    General Information

  • Sound: "G"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 7th Rune
  • Rune Fortnight: Sept. 28th - Oct. 13th
  • Runic Hour: 6:30pm - 7:30pm
  • Rune Color: Deep Blue
  • Rune Gemstones: Amethyst,
    Aquamarine, Azurite, Fluorite,
    Jade, Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli,
    Rose Quartz, Sapphire, Sodalite
  • Runic Tree: Ash/Elm
  • Runic Herb: Heartsease

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Geofu, Gyfu
  • Germanic: Geuua, Gebo
  • Icelandic: Gjof
  • Norse: Gipt, Giof
  • Norwegian: Giof

  • Key Words

  • Gift, Exchange,
    Interaction, Connection,
    Crossroads, Balance                   

The Glyph of Gebo

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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    General Information

  • Sound: "W"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 8th Rune
  • Fortnight: October 13th - October 28th
  • Runic Hour: 7:30pm - 8:30pm
  • Rune Color: Gold
  • Rune Gemstones: Amber, Citrine,
    Clear Quartz, Diamond, Golden Topaz,
    Herkimer Diamond, Rutilated Quartz
  • Runic Tree: Ash
  • Runic Herb: Flax

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Wynn
  • Germanic: Uuinne, Wunjo
  • Icelandic: Vin
  • Norse: Vend
  • Norwegian: Wynn

  • Key Words

  • Joy, Hope, Delight,
    Pleasure, Wonder
    Kinship, Fellowship                

The Glyph of Wunjo

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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The Second Aett

Lots of stuff about the elder futhark and differences between the futharks

    General Information

  • Sound: "H"
  • Rune Position: 2nd aett, 1st Rune
  • Fortnight: October 28th - November 13th
  • Runic Hour: 8:30pm - 9:30pm
  • Rune Color: Gray of White
  • Rune Gemstones: Clear Calcite,
    Clear Quartz, Diamond, Geode,
    Moonstone, Opal
  • Runic Tree: Yew or Ash
  • Runic Herb: Lilly of the Valley

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Hagall, Haegl
  • Germanic: Hagalaz, Haal
  • Icelandic: Hagall
  • Norse: Hagall
  • Norwegian: Hagall, Hagl

  • Key Words

  • Transformation, Evolution
    Change, Merging,
    Harmony, Protection

The Glyph of Hagalaz

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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    General Information

  • Sound: "N"
  • Rune Position: 2nd aett, 2nd Rune
  • Runic Fortnight: June 29th - July 14th
  • Runic Hour: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Blood Agate,
    Carnelian, Garnet, Jasper,
    Red Cat's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
  • Runic Tree: Elder
  • Runic Herb: Nettle

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Feoh, Feo
  • Germanic: Fe, Fehu
  • Icelandic:
  • Norse:
  • Norwegian: Fe

  • Key Words

  • Mobile Wealth, Prosperity,
    Abundance, Fertility,
    Unstructured Creativity,
    Primal Fire                             

The Glyph of Fehu

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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    General Information

  • Sound: "F"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 1st Rune
  • Runic Fortnight: June 29th - July 14th
  • Runic Hour: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Blood Agate,
    Carnelian, Garnet, Jasper,
    Red Cat's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
  • Runic Tree: Elder
  • Runic Herb: Nettle

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Feoh, Feo
  • Germanic: Fe, Fehu
  • Icelandic:
  • Norse:
  • Norwegian: Fe

  • Key Words

  • Mobile Wealth, Prosperity,
    Abundance, Fertility,
    Unstructured Creativity,
    Primal Fire

The Glyph of Fehu

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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    General Information

  • Sound: "J", "Y"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 1st Rune
  • Runic Fortnight: June 29th - July 14th
  • Runic Hour: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Blood Agate,
    Carnelian, Garnet, Jasper,
    Red Cat's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
  • Runic Tree: Elder
  • Runic Herb: Nettle

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Feoh, Feo
  • Germanic: Fe, Fehu
  • Icelandic:
  • Norse:
  • Norwegian: Fe

  • Key Words

  • Mobile Wealth, Prosperity,
    Abundance, Fertility,
    Unstructured Creativity,
    Primal Fire

The Glyph of Fehu

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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    General Information

  • Sound: "F"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 1st Rune
  • Runic Fortnight: June 29th - July 14th
  • Runic Hour: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Blood Agate,
    Carnelian, Garnet, Jasper,
    Red Cat's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
  • Runic Tree: Elder
  • Runic Herb: Nettle

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Feoh, Feo
  • Germanic: Fe, Fehu
  • Icelandic:
  • Norse:
  • Norwegian: Fe

  • Key Words

  • Mobile Wealth, Prosperity,
    Abundance, Fertility,
    Unstructured Creativity,
    Primal Fire

The Glyph of Fehu

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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    General Information

  • Sound: "F"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 1st Rune
  • Runic Fortnight: June 29th - July 14th
  • Runic Hour: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Blood Agate,
    Carnelian, Garnet, Jasper,
    Red Cat's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
  • Runic Tree: Elder
  • Runic Herb: Nettle

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Feoh, Feo
  • Germanic: Fe, Fehu
  • Icelandic:
  • Norse:
  • Norwegian: Fe

  • Key Words

  • Mobile Wealth, Prosperity,
    Abundance, Fertility,
    Unstructured Creativity,
    Primal Fire

The Glyph of Fehu

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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    General Information

  • Sound: "F"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 1st Rune
  • Runic Fortnight: June 29th - July 14th
  • Runic Hour: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Blood Agate,
    Carnelian, Garnet, Jasper,
    Red Cat's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
  • Runic Tree: Elder
  • Runic Herb: Nettle

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Feoh, Feo
  • Germanic: Fe, Fehu
  • Icelandic:
  • Norse:
  • Norwegian: Fe

  • Key Words

  • Mobile Wealth, Prosperity,
    Abundance, Fertility,
    Unstructured Creativity,
    Primal Fire

The Glyph of Fehu

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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    General Information

  • Sound: "F"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 1st Rune
  • Runic Fortnight: June 29th - July 14th
  • Runic Hour: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Blood Agate,
    Carnelian, Garnet, Jasper,
    Red Cat's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
  • Runic Tree: Elder
  • Runic Herb: Nettle

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Feoh, Feo
  • Germanic: Fe, Fehu
  • Icelandic:
  • Norse:
  • Norwegian: Fe

  • Key Words

  • Mobile Wealth, Prosperity,
    Abundance, Fertility,
    Unstructured Creativity,
    Primal Fire

The Glyph of Fehu

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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The Third Aett

Lots of stuff about the elder futhark and differences between the futharks

    General Information

  • Sound: "F"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 1st Rune
  • Runic Fortnight: June 29th - July 14th
  • Runic Hour: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Blood Agate,
    Carnelian, Garnet, Jasper,
    Red Cat's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
  • Runic Tree: Elder
  • Runic Herb: Nettle

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Feoh, Feo
  • Germanic: Fe, Fehu
  • Icelandic:
  • Norse:
  • Norwegian: Fe

  • Key Words

  • Mobile Wealth, Prosperity,
    Abundance, Fertility,
    Unstructured Creativity,
    Primal Fire

The Glyph of Fehu

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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    General Information

  • Sound: "F"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 1st Rune
  • Runic Fortnight: June 29th - July 14th
  • Runic Hour: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Blood Agate,
    Carnelian, Garnet, Jasper,
    Red Cat's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
  • Runic Tree: Elder
  • Runic Herb: Nettle

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Feoh, Feo
  • Germanic: Fe, Fehu
  • Icelandic:
  • Norse:
  • Norwegian: Fe

  • Key Words

  • Mobile Wealth, Prosperity,
    Abundance, Fertility,
    Unstructured Creativity,
    Primal Fire

The Glyph of Fehu

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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    General Information

  • Sound: "F"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 1st Rune
  • Runic Fortnight: June 29th - July 14th
  • Runic Hour: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Blood Agate,
    Carnelian, Garnet, Jasper,
    Red Cat's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
  • Runic Tree: Elder
  • Runic Herb: Nettle

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Feoh, Feo
  • Germanic: Fe, Fehu
  • Icelandic:
  • Norse:
  • Norwegian: Fe

  • Key Words

  • Mobile Wealth, Prosperity,
    Abundance, Fertility,
    Unstructured Creativity,
    Primal Fire

The Glyph of Fehu

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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    General Information

  • Sound: "F"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 1st Rune
  • Runic Fortnight: June 29th - July 14th
  • Runic Hour: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Blood Agate,
    Carnelian, Garnet, Jasper,
    Red Cat's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
  • Runic Tree: Elder
  • Runic Herb: Nettle

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Feoh, Feo
  • Germanic: Fe, Fehu
  • Icelandic:
  • Norse:
  • Norwegian: Fe

  • Key Words

  • Mobile Wealth, Prosperity,
    Abundance, Fertility,
    Unstructured Creativity,
    Primal Fire

The Glyph of Fehu

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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    General Information

  • Sound: "F"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 1st Rune
  • Runic Fortnight: June 29th - July 14th
  • Runic Hour: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Blood Agate,
    Carnelian, Garnet, Jasper,
    Red Cat's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
  • Runic Tree: Elder
  • Runic Herb: Nettle

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Feoh, Feo
  • Germanic: Fe, Fehu
  • Icelandic:
  • Norse:
  • Norwegian: Fe

  • Key Words

  • Mobile Wealth, Prosperity,
    Abundance, Fertility,
    Unstructured Creativity,
    Primal Fire

The Glyph of Fehu

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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    General Information

  • Sound: "F"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 1st Rune
  • Runic Fortnight: June 29th - July 14th
  • Runic Hour: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Blood Agate,
    Carnelian, Garnet, Jasper,
    Red Cat's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
  • Runic Tree: Elder
  • Runic Herb: Nettle

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Feoh, Feo
  • Germanic: Fe, Fehu
  • Icelandic:
  • Norse:
  • Norwegian: Fe

  • Key Words

  • Mobile Wealth, Prosperity,
    Abundance, Fertility,
    Unstructured Creativity,
    Primal Fire

The Glyph of Fehu

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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If you expect a more feature-rich version of the tabber, you can use the advanced version of the script, McTabs - jQuery Tabs:


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    General Information

  • Sound: "F"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 1st Rune
  • Runic Fortnight: June 29th - July 14th
  • Runic Hour: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Blood Agate,
    Carnelian, Garnet, Jasper,
    Red Cat's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
  • Runic Tree: Elder
  • Runic Herb: Nettle

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Feoh, Feo
  • Germanic: Fe, Fehu
  • Icelandic:
  • Norse:
  • Norwegian: Fe

  • Key Words

  • Mobile Wealth, Prosperity,
    Abundance, Fertility,
    Unstructured Creativity,
    Primal Fire

The Glyph of Fehu

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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If you expect a more feature-rich version of the tabber, you can use the advanced version of the script, McTabs - jQuery Tabs:


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    General Information

  • Sound: "F"
  • Rune Position: 1st aett, 1st Rune
  • Runic Fortnight: June 29th - July 14th
  • Runic Hour: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
  • Rune Color: Red
  • Rune Gemstones: Blood Agate,
    Carnelian, Garnet, Jasper,
    Red Cat's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
  • Runic Tree: Elder
  • Runic Herb: Nettle

    Other Names

  • Anglo-Saxon: Feoh, Feo
  • Germanic: Fe, Fehu
  • Icelandic:
  • Norse:
  • Norwegian: Fe

  • Key Words

  • Mobile Wealth, Prosperity,
    Abundance, Fertility,
    Unstructured Creativity,
    Primal Fire

The Glyph of Fehu

  Whether an alphabet or Futhark, many ancient languages have as their first glyph or symbol, the cow.


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If you expect a more feature-rich version of the tabber, you can use the advanced version of the script, McTabs - jQuery Tabs:


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template1 ~ 6.